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 open-ended inquiry?

“When the world comes to you, take it in, embrace it and do not turn it away.”

A.H. ALMAAS (Hameed Ali) - Co-Founder of the Diamond Approach

Inquiry helps you explore your inner world to deepen your experience and reveal who you really are.

The primary spiritual practice of the Diamond Approach you will learn is open-ended inquiry. It is a process of ongoing discovery that invites you to contact your inner guidance and fulfil your potential in your unique timing and way. 

Inquiry welcomes all your experience. Nothing is excluded and nothing is rejected. You do not seek to transcend parts of your human nature that you consider to be barriers to becoming more truly yourself. Instead, we believe that everything you experience is an opportunity to access your spiritual nature. 

Inquiry starts with what you are experiencing now

Everyday experience as it emerges provides the inspiration and grounding for your inquiry. Watch how on this path you learn to approach every aspect of your physical, emotional and mental experience without judgement, and with acceptance and boundless curiosity to discover its truth.

This new technique was offering me something more: the tools to keep loosening my inner straitjacket.
Karen Johnson - Co-Founder of the Diamond Approach

Inquiry is mindfulness with dynamism

We can say that inquiry is mindfulness with a dynamism that is open to see what it does not know, plus concentration with an energy that loves to find out the truth that it does not know.
A.H. ALMAAS (Hameed Ali) - Co-Founder of the Diamond Approach

Guided by the teachings of the Diamond Approach over time your inquiry becomes more informed by innate qualities of your Being such as strength, will, compassion, joy and love. You directly experience these aspects of your true nature through the inquiry process as you uncover unconscious beliefs and attitudes that keep these qualities obscured.

The content of your inquiry emerges in response to the deepening sequence of the teachings being offered. Exercises to support your personal inquiry occur with others in a variety of small group settings. In this way you learn from others and are supported by the witnessing of your fellow explorers.

Would you like to know more about our practice of inquiry?

You can read about the primary spiritual practice of our path in Spacecruiser Inquiry – True Guidance for the Inner Journey by A.H. Almaas.