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Hoping to find 
 your spiritual path?


Hoping to find 
 your spiritual path?

“Each human being is a treasure chest of jewels. Our potentiality is infinite, in all ways and all directions.”

A.H. ALMAAS (Hameed Ali) - Co-Founder of the Diamond Approach

One way we express being human, is in our desire to realise our potential. This process of self-realisation takes each of us on a unique journey, often with many twists and turns. On this adventure of self-discovery, realisations arise that bring us into contact with our spiritual nature. 

As these experiences emerge people often seek out spiritual teachings and practices with which they resonate, to guide them along the way. The Diamond Approach is one among many spiritual paths of self-discovery.

While a path implies the connecting of one point with another, it more precisely reflects an experiential learning process to be navigated, rather than a set of beliefs to be adopted.

If you examine various spiritual paths, you will find that they use different methods of education and make one aspect of reality central to their teaching. Despite these differences, common to each path is personal development and that flows from contact with a deeper experience of reality and yourself. 

The uniqueness of our approach

A unique aspect of the Diamond Approach path is that you discover how to live from your deeper nature as an authentic human being in the world. 

The Diamond Approach supports living a personal life in relationship to other human beings and engaging in other human activities besides spiritual practice. Being manifests not only in the transcendental, but also in down-to-earth, practical and personal forms that are relevant to everyday life. And daily life itself can become spiritual realization.
A.H. ALMAAS (Hameed Ali) - Co-Founder of the Diamond Approach

Discovering your path of self-realisation

People are drawn to the Diamond Approach path for a variety of reasons. Some are drawn out of curiosity arising from a feeling that reality is much vaster and more amazing than our ordinary experience suggests.

Others have had a taste of different types of experience, such as being deeply present, and want a deeper and more sustained contact with these experiences. For many, there is a tangible drive to be more, or to know and explore a truth that is open and mysterious.

Most find our path is a journey of love. It satisfies their longing to open and expand the capacities and reaches of their heart, to discover and be who they truly are.

Our teaching and practices guide you on a path towards liberation. It supports your understanding and movement away from your repetitive patterns of suffering, towards becoming a more real and authentic human being in all aspects of your ordinary life.

This profound inner journey home draws you to a place of deep contentment and to vibrant aliveness, through experiencing the joy of authentic relationships with others and the world in which you live.

If you are eager to learn what it means to truly be in the world, while not of it – this could be your path of self-discovery and awareness.

Our potential is to be free: to be anything, everything, or nothing at all, as we live the simplicity of ordinary life.
A.H. ALMAAS (Hameed Ali) - Co-Founder of the Diamond Approach

Eager to take a first, or further step, on your spiritual path?

Read about the journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening we offer in The Inner Journey Home by A.H. Almaas.